The Shape They Are
For these 2 hours, I could just surrender the impossibility of trying to recognize and categorize every worry in the world—as we grow and gray, we realize: they are the shape that they are.

The Final Question
Sometimes, the asking is more important than the answers, because it reminds us that we still have a voice and we are not alone, even in the midst of the great mysteries of our lives.

Survival Guide: Melissa Niednagel Wolmarans
While I have experienced a fair amount of loss in my 35 years of life, I am not someone who is a victim of unjust suffering. am the person who has caused it.

A Mother’s Day Card
The simple words on that Mother’s Day card belied a deeper meaning, a revelation that James was developing into a little boy who recognized his life and his Mommy looked a little different from those of his friends.

Returning to El Matador
Whatever mountain you may need to climb up or valley you may need to descend into, you should do it. The path will likely be worn and steep but the precious time spent there will be well worth the journey.

Making Peace with Letting Go
If the alternative to a broken heart is an "unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable" one, then I suppose the choice is clear, but when our heart has been broken as the result of loving something then having to say goodbye to it, we can't help but question if the love was worth the pain.

Paying Attention to What We Remember
Responsible remembrance is a bit of past-changing magic that gives us the grace of distance, which leaves space for perspective and gratitude to redefine our past, present, and future.

Glorious Scars
But when we allow our paradigm of healing to shift, her scars begin to look like badges of honor. She can proudly point to this old wounded place and say, “I’m scarred, but I’m still here.”

Fully Known, Fully Loved
Failure provides a platform for forgiveness, grace, growth, and unconditional love. We cheat ourselves out of experiencing redemption when we build a facade around the failings.

Telling a New Story
What we remember teaches our brains what to expect. By remembering the past thoughtfully, we can anticipate the future with hope.