Hope Heals Camp is a week-long retreat and year-round community offering rest, resources, and relationships to families experiencing disabilities.

You belong in this sacred space!

Session 1

Jun 30 - Jul 4

Session 2

Jul 7 - 11 

Session 3

Jul 14 - 18

Session 4

Jul 21 - 25

Camp McDowell — Nauvoo, Al

Designed for Families

We know disabilities affect more than just the individual with the diagnosis. Hope Heals Camp is built for entire family units in which one or more people are living with disabilities.

All Ages & Diagnoses

Hope Heals Camp is not limited to a certain type of diagnosis or a specific age range. Participants of any age and experiencing all types of disabilities are invited.

Inclusively FAITH-Focused

Our sacred spaces exists so that families experiencing disabilities can experience the hope of Christ. While our mission and programming are rooted in the Christian faith, you do not have to follow Jesus to be welcomed into the Camp community.

our neighbors

20% of the US population is disabled, making people with disabilities the country’s largest minority group.


One in seven people on earth today identify as living with a disability.


People with disabilities are the least churched people group in the world due to inaccessibility of facilities and programming.

Mental Health

Persons with disability are disproportionately vulnerable to abuse, unemployment, suicide, houselessness, and divorce.

Our Story of Disability

Since 2017, we’ve been building a space of belonging and belovedness alongside our community of over 4,500 Hope Heals Camp participants. Creating and sustaining Hope Heals Camp is among our highest callings and greatest honors, but it was never the work we expected to do with our lives.

After I survived a near-fatal brainstem stroke in 2008, we were left with a bittersweet new normal—living a miraculous second chance but also dealing with long-term, life-changing disabilities.

At first, I didn't want to be the "miracle girl in the wheelchair," but after years of connecting with all kinds of hurting people, I found my external disabilities were a bridge to those with "invisible wheelchairs.” We came to see there is a deeper, universal reality that we are all disabled—unable to do life without God or each other. 

In 2014, we were the speakers at a camp for families with disabilities where we had a profound revelation that although we were on stage, we could just have easily been campers. These were our people. We uniquely understood their struggles, and we could be a voice for this unheard population, the largest minority group in the world. In a plot twist only God could write, we took ownership of that family camp in 2016 and have been running sessions of Hope Heals Camp ever since. 

Our story of disability is hard but good. We’ve been able to flourish within these constraints because of the spiritual resources and communal support we were given. Sadly, our story is the exception, not the norm. Most individuals and families affected by disability are struggling to live in a world not made for them...isolated, lonely, despairing. The Hope Heals Camp community believes hope and hardship can co-exist for every person with a broken brain, body, or heart.

We’ve prepared this sacred space for you—the hurting, the healing, and the hopeful—to experience the goodness of God in the context of inclusive, intentional, inter-ability community.

 Giving Opportunities

$100 Camp Swag Bag
for 1 family
$500 Camper Scholarship
for 1 person
$1,500 Family Scholarship
for 4 campers
$5,000 Spa Day
for 100 women
$10,000 Luke 14 Banquet
for 550 guests
$250,000 Sponsor one camp session
for 550 guests