Hope Heals Local

Join us for seasonal regional gatherings offering soul rest, community connection, and joyful celebration in the midst of the good/hard story of families affected by disability.


Atlanta & Birmingham

Hope Heals Local are half-day seasonal gatherings in Atlanta and Birmingham in which you’re invited to connect with local friends affected by disabilities, enjoy thoughtful programming, rest easy with trustworthy childcare, and sit down to a meal where everyone has a seat at the table.


Stay tuned!


Stay tuned!

20% of the USpopulation identifies as having a disability, which makes people with disabilities the nation’s largest minority group.

85% of marriages end in divorce when the couple is parenting a child with disabilities and/or endures a traumatic medical circumstance.

People with disabilities are the most unchurched people group in the world because of lack of accessible programming and facilities.

Once people with disabilities age out of school, their social networks shrink down to their aging parents, siblings, and paid caregivers.

Our Story of Disability

After I survived a near-fatal brainstem stroke in 2008, we were left with a bittersweet new normal—living a miraculous second chance but also dealing with long-term, life-changing disabilities.

In 2014, we were the speakers at a camp for families with disabilities where we had a profound revelation that although we were on stage, we could just have easily been campers. These were our people. In a plot twist only God could write, we took ownership of that family camp in 2016 and have been running sessions of Hope Heals Camp ever since. 

We’ve been able to flourish within these constraints because of the spiritual resources and communal support we were given. But our story is the exception, not the norm.

Younger families experiencing disability need trustworthy, safe respite and childcare, while families of adult children with disabilities need compassionate, accessible community and dignifying employment. We are committed to creating more spaces where these people are seen, known, and loved.

There is so much good/hard work yet to be done. So, after growing a community of over 2,500 Hope Heals Camp participants, we’re launching Hope Heals Local, which will expand accessibility to our Christ-centered rest, resources, and relationships through seasonal regional gatherings for families experiencing disability in Atlanta and Birmingham.


Like what you see?

Join us at Hope Heals Camp, our annual week-long camp experience offering rest, resources, and relationships to families affected by disabilities.

Learn more!